The Himalayan Oak seedlings are now ready for purchasing.
We have several hundred healthy Himalayan Oak seedlings ready for purchasing. If you do not have room for such a large tree you can adopt a tree that can be planted alongside Tutituki River in Hawke’s Bay.
Seedlings are available at $10 each plus postage. A discount is offered for orders of more than 50 trees. Adopting a tree costs $75 which includes the maintenance required to keep the tree healthy and looking good.
All proceeds go to the Ranichauri Eastwoodhill Trust to support conservation work in Himalayan region of North West India. The Trust is a registered charitable trust and funds are paid into a trust account managed by Napier legal firm Langley Twigg. Receipts are available.
To order please contact David Cranwell:
Phone +64 6 877 5299
Mobile 021 503 000
35 River Road, RD 12, Havelock North 4294