We are developing a Himalayan Oak forest at Lake Tutira. A unique place where you can adopt a tree for a special person or occassion.
The Forest of Memories
The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has kindly made available to the Trust 2ha of lakeside land at Lake Tutira to plant a Himalayan Oak Forest.
The Vision
The development plan for the area is to establish the forest into a special place for people to visit and experience these magnificent trees.
The trees can be adopted to mark an occasion such as a birth, wedding, friendship, family or the passing of someone special. Plaques filled with poems, thoughts and memories are encouraged to personalise your tree and create a beautiful forest of memories.
Where are we at now?
The site is being cleared of unwanted vegetation ready for next winter 2017 when several hundred large trees will be planted with sponsors support.
By planting most of the available space within the next 2 winters, the forest will rapidly establish itself.
The spectacular Rhododenderon arboreum tree grows alongside the Oaks in the lower Himalayas. Sponsor a tree for $75 and we’ll plant it for you during winter 2017. See our Contribute page for more details.
All money generated from the sale of seedling oaks goes towards helping the Himalayan community.
We feel that schools and education play an essential role in teaching the next generations about the environmental importance of the Himalayan Oak.