About the Trust

The Trust

Himalayan Oak [The Ranichauri Eastwoodhill Trust] was established by David Cranwell in 1994 after he saw first hand, the plight of the Himalayan Oak in North West India.

The Trust endeavours to make a positive financial contribution to support the regeneration of the Himalayan Evergreen Oak in its natural environment, the lower Himalayas, North West India.

The Trust’s work is organised in such a way that from the money raised, virtually 100% goes to support our projects in India.

The Trust manages the funds, every donation receives an official receipt.

All propagation costs of the oaks grown in New Zealand are paid for by the founder including potting mix, planter bags, irrigation, maintenance and fertiliser.

The Trust is registered under the New Zealand Charitable Trust ACT.

June 2020 Update:
The Trust has just transferred 50% of required funds to Himalaya Consortium for Himalayan Conservation (HIMCON) for the following environmental initiatives to be implemented.

  • 6 x rainwater ferro cement tanks
  • 6 x Chaal / percolation ponds
  • 6 x Pokara / small perc ponds
  • Slow sand filter for 20 – 30 families

Spring shed development / rejuvenation work in three hectares of land

  • Plantation of 2000 broadleaf plants, pits and aftercare.

All money generated from the sale of seedling oaks goes towards helping the Himalayan community.

We believe that schools and education play an essential role in teaching the next generations about the importance of the Himalayan Oak and its huge benefit to the environment.